Almost all professional football players are still alive. 4% of all
human beings that have ever lived are still alive. What percent of all
species that have ever lived are still alive? 0.1%; thus 99.9 %
are extinct. Looking ahead, things look numerically bad for
humans: chances are that we will go extinct.
What is extinction? => Termination of a lineage. What are the units
of extinction? Genus Family ? Do we determine extinction of a genus by
the last remaining species that makes up that genus? What happens
if 99% of the genus goes extinct and one "hanger-on" last millions
of more years? No solution to the problem, these are the sorts of biases
that are inherent in tabulating higher-level phenomena.
What can we say about adaptation and extinction rates? is extinction
due to: Bad luck or Bad genes? (book by David Raup, W.W. Norton,
As to the causes of extinction here are some questions to "ask" the fossil record:
intrinsic/extrinsic: was extinction due to a characteristic of
the organism (intrinsic) or of the physical environment (extrinsic)? Was
extinction due to competition (mutituberculates and rodents) or was it
due to major events like sea level changes or asteroid impact? One "asks"
the fossil record by looking at the data:
Taxonomic survivorship curves were tabulated by Van Valen, U. Chicago
(see figure below). Horizontal axis in the number of years that a group
has survived (could be 50 Myr. in the Cenozoic or 50 Myr. in the Paleozoic);
vertical axis in the log of the number of taxa that survived for
the stated number of years. The ~ straight lines indicate that a constant
proportion of the taxa are becoming extinct at various stages of
duration, which Van Valen interpreted to mean that the probability of
extinction is independent of age of taxon. This further implies that
taxa are not becoming better adapted (if one defines increased adaptedness
as a decreasing probability of going extinct). Note that these survivorship
curves are different than the ones presented for moluscs and carnivores.
Note also that the graphs do not imply that there is a constant extinction
rate per unit time. The approximately linear relationship indicates that
the taxa with a long duration do not appear more resistant to extinction.
Van Valen proposed the Red Queen hypothesis to account for the
pattern of approximately linear survivorship curves. Van Valen hypothesized
that 1) the environment is continually deteriorating (~ changing
so that current adapted state is no longer applicable), 2) organisms have
to adapt continually, i.e., you have to "run to stay in place"
like the Red Queen said to Alice in Through the Looking Glass (Alice in
Figure 22.3 from Evolution, 1st Ed.
There are other ways of looking at extinctions that contradict this
idea. Extinction rates in the Phanerozoic show a pattern of decrease
in background extinction rate (see figure below; "background"
means excluding the five big peaks). Does this mean that species are becoming
more adapted because they are more resistant to extinction? The jury is
still out (i.e., we don't know). Moreover, some data sets show rates of
extinction that vary dramatically over absolute time, suggesting that extinction
rates are not constant over time but vary widely. Compare figure
22.13, page 633. Once question is how much variation one tolerates before
saying that extinction rates are not approximately linear.
One interesting observation about extinction patterns is that a periodicity
has been documented in one data set. The cycle appears to be 26 million
years. See figure 23.7, page 652. Explanations for periodicity have
been varied: Companion death star (Planet X out beyond Pluto) cycling
past earth every 26 million years which hurls asteroids at earth killing
many taxa. Needless to say, some of these ideas made astronomers HOWL with
Mass extinctions are quite a different type of extinction
than the background extinctions. In some regards mass extinctions rekindled
ideas of Catastrophism (as opposed to Uniformitarionism; see lecture 2).
The impact extinction theory that mass extinctions were indeed caused
by asteroid (or other) impact is a good one because it falls into the mainstream
of scientific inquiry: an hypothesis that can be tested, and falsified,
with further sampling or experimentation (although conclusive proof that
it did not happen may be difficult).
The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T ) Extinctions are some of the best
studied. What went extinct? marine reptiles, ammonites, dinosaurs, etc.
However, many groups were relatively unaffected. This presents an interesting
problem: how could something that might be so devastating as to kill off
many diverse taxa be, at the same time, so selective with respect to different
taxa? See figure 23.5, pg. 648.
The Alvarez's from Berkeley proposed that the K/T extinctions were caused
by impact of a large asteroid. Some compelling evidence supports the notion:
Excess of iridium (iridium anomaly or iridium "spike") at the
K/T boundary (see fig. 23.6, pg. 649). This element is rare in earth's
crust, but not uncommon in meteorites. The presence of "shocked"
quartz (likely to be formed at asteroid impact, less likely to be formed
by normal Earthly geological processes) is also in excess at the K/T. Evidence
for these diagnostic markers of impact have been sought at the other "big
five" mass extinctions and only one has any blip of excess iridium
(no where near the spike at the K/T).
There are some problems with the impact explanation: why was it so selective?
and: where is the impact crater? Well, sure, you know, ah, it, ah,
it landed in the ocean! Or maybe it landed near a subduction zone and the
evidence has been conveniently tucked under some continental plate. Also,
there is evidence from magnetic reversals in the stratigraphic record that
the K/T transition is varies in time from place to place. Every couple
of years someone publishes a paper indicating that they found the impact
crater; the most recent focus is somewhere near the Yucatan peninsula or
western Caribbean. Keep an eye on Nature and Science.
The issue of impact extinction puts all that we learned about population genetics and adaptation in a very different perspective. So what if one allele is more fit than another, or the rate of evolution depends on the amount of additive genetic variation in the population, if an asteroid is going to blow us away tomorrow, then microevolution really is decoupled from macroevolution. But what about those lineages that sail through the K/T boundary unaffected? Maybe they were adapted, pre-adapted or just exapted for the impact and there is a coupling.